Glen Barcelo



Waipahu, Hawaii 96797 USA


internet of things (Arduino), software engineering , machine learning , salsa dancing


Languages and Frameworks: Javascript, Python 3, C, C++, Java, SQL

Toolsets/OS: Ubuntu, Git/GitHub, IntelliJ IDEA, Visual Studio Code, bash, g++


University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI

B.S., Computer Engineering

2017 - 2020


Software Developer,

University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Department of Information and Computer Sciences

  • Designed and developed responsive, interactive web components using TypeScript and HTML/CSS
  • Analyzed source code and database schemas to migrate legacy features using React, Meteor, and MongoDB
  • Worked on and managed codebase with Agile development team using Git, GitHub, and ESLint

2019 - 2019

Team Leader, Hardware Designer, Programmer,

Hack-a-thon: Exploring a JavaScript Web Framework and IoT Applications, 8th Place

  • Managed project using Agile development and GitHub Projects to track tasks and distribute work efficiently
  • Designed and implemented a Wi-Fi-enabled container using a NodeMCU WiFi Development Board, proximity sensor, and load cell sensors
  • Built appealing, functional website components using React, Meteor, and MongoDB

2018 - 2018

Team Member, Programmer,

Machine Learning Framework Exploration and Image Processing Applications

  • Proposed and implemented object-recognition models that can identify a variety of plant species using Python and TensorFlow’s Object Detection API in Linux
  • Managed code and environment using Docker, GitHub, and Jupyter

2018 - 2018

Sole Designer,

Personal Summer Projects: Garage Door Wireless Control

  • Designed and implemented a simple wireless controller for a garage door motor using an HC-06 Bluetooth Module, Adafruit Trinket (Arduino), and relay (2017)
  • Developed an Android app to control the garage door motor via Bluetooth using Arduino technologies, C, and Java (2018)

2017 - 2018

Team Member, Programmer,

Hack-a-thon: Exploring Java, Android, and Mobile Development, 2nd Place

  • Learned Java and Android framework basics to implement competition submission in one week
  • Managed team learning efforts, workflow, and spirit to meet deadline

2017 - 2017


Available upon request