The power of software

30 Aug 2018

Software engineering has always allured me due to the infinite possibilities of programming. I always loved one could break down a problem, analyze it, and solve that problem with software if it was hooked up to the right things.

When it comes to software engineering, I know there are so many topics that it’s impossible to cover them all. What attracted my attention is machine learning and its ability to solve problems and change automatically. I would love to learn to harness this power with practice and experience. It is a tall order, however, and I am content just being able to work on projects that involve machine learning. Thus comes another topic in software engineering: the maintenance and growth of large repositories of code. I would develop my ability to read and improve existing code so that I may be a part of something much larger than myself and help the world in my own little way.

In conclusion, I believe software engineering is a topic that could one day encompass every part of people’s lives. I love working with code and I love seeing it in action, and I would love some day to be a part of a solution that matters in the world.